We thought lang and hard about what to do and my friend and I really want to play something with humans at least once.
He and I love co-op games in Crusader Kings 2, Europa Universalis 4 and Hearts of Iron so we decided to do a co-op in Stellaris as well.
So the first race I will play personally will be humans. If Paradox allows us to we both will play one race if not there will be another post about my friends race which he actually put a lot of thought into.
The Ethos of these people will be Xenophile, Materialist and Individualist with a Indirect Democracy.
Humans will be charismatic and quick learners as well as slow breeders. I mean one child in two years or so is not that much and usually we as humans breed even slower than that.
I will start in the Solar System as well.
I start my own single player campaign a bit earlier so I will hopefully provide a thought through perspective of this awesome game from minute one onwards.
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