With the increasing threat of terrorism in the early 21st century countries started to band together more strongly while others embraced isolationism and xenophobia.
The European Union did however turn not their back on poverty in the world and pulled North America into the struggle against poverty as well. The political shift of the 2020s gave birth to renewed socialist parties which were born by the stock market trash of 2022 which left dozens of countries bankrupt. The stumbling world economy broke even the chinese export economy and the chinese people demanded change.
In the 2030s the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was finally solved. Not only in the Middle East, Europe and North America cheered for new Israeli-Jordanian alliance but the UN declared 2035 as the year of unity. The IJA and not only stomped daesh nearly 20 years ago, it had refilled the dead sea and brought prosperity to the whole Middle East.
Meanwhile the struggling nations of Africa climbed up the ladder to economic equality with the still growing EU and US. The african Nations under the banner of the equality movement born in Nigeria formed a greater prosperity zone to protect their ecology, economy and freedoms against foreign investors. In the mid 2040s the African Union signed treaties with the European Union, the US and Canada. Over two billion african people cheered as the AU joined the superpowers.
The unification of earths nations was still under way. One of the biggest milestones was the agreement of 2042 which whom the United Nations declared that racism, sexism, homophobia and other issues were and had to be banned. The International Court of Justice in The Hague received hundreds of charges on that matter in the first week after the agreement.
Global warming however could not be prevented. Rising water levels threatened the coastlines of many nations. The secretariat of ecology of the UN gave out huge sums of money to the poorer countries and areas to build dykes and restructure industries to a greener approach.
There hadn't been a major war since the 2060s. Local terrorist groups have been dealt with quickly and brutally by the United Nations. The economy had been shaped in favour of sustainability. The early superpowers like the EU and US had to cut back on luxuries, especially cars, air travel and single family homes. The sacrifices of these rich nations hadn't been unnoticed by the rest of the world.
The early 2070s brought full unification of the peoples of earth as it's nations voted King Abdullah III. into the worlds presidential office. The speech he held in not less than six languages brought tears of pride, joy and hope into the eyes of people worldwide. The world “Never again we will fall divided” became one of the most quoted lines in human history. In his speech at the UN he also gave birth to the name of the union he lead. Humankind.
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